While quashing a 24-year-old criminal case against sure people, the Allahabad High Court, within the case of Dr Meraj Ali & Anr vs State of UP, noticed that a speedy trial is a proper not only of the complainant but in addition of the accused individuals. In the case of Abbas Sk @ Abbas Hossain, the Calcutta High Court upheld the conviction and life sentence imposed on a tutor convicted of raping a minor girl. The court is of the view that the present case has shattered the arrogance of society in the relationship of a instructor and a student. In the case of Aram Seyya Virumbu Trust vs UOI, the Madras High Court on Thursday referred to a larger bench, a plea filed by DMK Member of Legislative Assembly , Dr Ezhilan Naganathan, which sought to revive education again from the Concurrent List to the State List. Campus NewsOn …

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